Wolcott High School got its games in against Watertown on Tuesday, and it had the volunteer efforts of the Wolcott Girls Softball Association to thank. (Copyright, Sports on CT-69) |
Wolcott girls softball can easily be called a family.
It starts with 6U teams in the Wolcott Girls Softball Association and runs all the way to George Babcock Field, where the high school team plays.
Well, Babcock Field was underwater on Tuesday after Monday’s deluge of rain, even with new drainage systems installed. That’s where the volunteerism and family atmosphere of Wolcott girls softball comes in.
The Wolcott High softball teams needed a place to play its games against Watertown on Tuesday. The weather wasn’t ideal — when has it been this spring? — but volunteers worked hard to make sure a field at Wakelee School was ready for the game.
Those volunteers included Bryan “Chuck” Cammarata and Sal Santopietro. Both have had plenty of involvement in Wolcott softball — Chuck is president of the WGSA — and both lent their time along with others to dry the field.
“Softball won 5-0 over Watertown today getting their games in at Wakelee School thanks again to the amazing work of Sal & Chuck of the Wolcott Girls Softball Association!!” read a post on the Wolcott High School – Athletics Facebook page.
Wolcott and Watertown got the game in, and the Eagles won by a score of 5-0. With the topsy-turvy weather of late, it’s important to get any game in. Wolcott got its game in, and it has the town’s softball family to thank for it.